Crazy Pineapple, flopped Straight (2 Viewers)


Nov 6, 2014
Reaction score
Westwood, MA
I consider myself a pretty poor Pineapple player and often question my actions after the fact. Here is a hand from last weekend, and Im curious to hear how others would have played it. Post tournament Cash game - HE/Pineapple/Omaha rotation. My table image is LAG, Villian is the tightest player at the table OMC type. Other players vary in skill, but play pretty loose. We have all played together a bunch, so have a good deal of history together.

Two hands ago, I was felted by Villian in Holdem. I flopped a Flush against his AA, and another heart came on the river giving him the backdoor nut flush. His stack is now approximately 300. I rebuy for $100. UTG +3 has about $100 as well. I am now in the BB .25/.50, and game has changed to Crazy pineapple.

Villian UTG limps, UTG +3 limps, SB calls, I have 799 rainbow. Action?
you checked the flop, i guess? i would raise it up to $22.
Check pre - zis hand ees not goot - especially OOP. As played, raise to $30.

Discard the 7, as you're obv. about to go runner-runner quads.
Not understanding how many players at table and in hand, but I think hero is BB? If so, I'd check pre OOP (hard to believe but whatev). Flop zee nuts I'm leading out almost pot size. As played, I like butler's raise to $22. Shovel in as much $ as you can early in the hand. Let's win a big one.
you checked the flop, i guess? i would raise it up to $22.

Yes, I checked flop. Cant say I would normally Raise pre flop with this hand, but part of me was hoping to just kill the hand and get through the pineapple rotation faster.
Not understanding how many players at table and in hand...

courage we've been through this. you can use your fingers to count up to ten.

reminds me of an old joke i used to hear in georgia: why don't alabamians wear shoes? sometimes you have to count to 24.
I was born in IL. My IQ has dropped since living here for so long, but lol New Englanders. I will take all your play money in the poker room.
I did not know if I should bet bigger hoping one of them will come along, or smaller and try to entice both. I took Butlers approach and raised 21.50. Villian Calls. other player folds.

Turn is 8. I have to assume he had at least a premium pair to call my raise and leaning toward 2Pair or Set. Should I bet or Check?
Well you can now only beat 1 of 3 potential flopped two pair, and zero flopped sets, so if that is what you range him on I would check/fold.
I did not know if I should bet bigger hoping one of them will come along, or smaller and try to entice both. I took Butlers approach and raised 21.50. Villian Calls. other player folds.

Turn is 8. I have to assume he had at least a premium pair to call my raise and leaning toward 2Pair or Set. Should I bet or Check?

any more nuanced read of villain than in OP? i know some OMC types who can severely overplay hands on occasion, particularly when they perceive their opponent to be an annoying LAG.

if he were a purebred OMC, i would be fine with a bet $30/fold line. if he has shown any propensity to play back against your darn kids, then bet bigger and call off.

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Well you can now only beat 1 of 3 potential flopped two pair, and zero flopped sets, so if that is what you range him on I would check/fold.

i don't think i'm ready to check/fold. this guy could very easily have come along with something like 78x and called with an open-ender and top pair on the flop. now he's made trips. if we check, he's definitely betting.
I'm just going by OP's range on the flop. Personally, I would expect villain to have overpairs and bare eights a decent amount of the time. Of course I suck at Pineapple, so take that for what it's worth.
Of course I suck at Pineapple, so take that for what it's worth.

ditto. if i could iso the pineapple rounds from the "circus mix" custom game in my poker income tracker, i'm positive i would be in the negative lifetime.
I check-call turn, check-call river, value bet if he checks back. Let him overvalue an 8 or overpair here - you're probably not getting 2 more streets out of him by betting if you're ahead, and lose the minimum if he just filled up. Unless something crazy happens on the river, folding would be preposterous.
any more nuanced read of villain than in OP? i know some OMC types who can severely overplay hands on occasion, particularly when they perceive their opponent to be an annoying LAG.

if he were a purebred OMC, i would be fine with a bet $30/fold line. if he has shown any propensity to play back against your darn kids, then bet bigger and call off.

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i don't think i'm ready to check/fold. this guy could very easily have come along with something like 78x and called with an open-ender and top pair on the flop. now he's made trips. if we check, he's definitely betting.

Normally, I would say he's purebred, but given that I just stacked off and rebought, he may also think I'm tilted and spewing off.

I check-call turn, check-call river, value bet if he checks back. Let him overvalue an 8 or overpair here - you're probably not getting 2 more streets out of him by betting if you're ahead, and lose the minimum if he just filled up. Unless something crazy happens on the river, folding would be preposterous.

I did Check and he shoves. Now I think Maybe he does have something like 78 and wants me to fold, so I call. He has 55.

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In hindsight I started to think about my flop play. If I had lead out or fired a bigger raise, Is it possible that bottom set get squeezed out with action still behind him? Would I have been better trying to isolate the looser player? He said after the hand that he had KK, but it was not confirmed.
Scott, could be you are over thinking it. Villain may be too tight to bluff here. Not sure if his turn shove was a brilliant level or not, but it worked this time. Not much more than pot. I doubt you he would have dropped for a bigger flop raise, but that would have been better. $31 in pot when it gets back to you.
I like the hand that you're sharing. It illustrates many aspects of CPA that I feel are misunderstood and misplayed.

The UTG open limp is suspicious. The pre-flop raise is good as it gives provides context and helps disguise your hand a bit. I would interpret the UTG villain call the same as a raise and put them on a high pocket pair. All other villains are likely on more prospective hands like mid/small pocket pairs, three card rundowns (suited and/or gapped), ace high flush prospects with a unsuited feature.

As played, the flop is a dream for hero. I over-bet the pot here and extract value from the UTG over pair, all sets, and the worse straight. This also pushes T9 out of the action as well as backdoor flush draws all of which could be a problem for us later. There is a good chance you get shoved on here (since most players will probably put you on an over pair) which is an easy call and you will be running with great equity.

The turn is a disaster for hero. The play at this point will depend on who is in the pot. If UTG is the only Villan left, we shove and likely get full value against the over pair. If any other Villans came along, we're in trouble. I think we do a small bet to hopefully push the draws out. If we get raised on, we're folding and thanking the Villian for accepting a bad price on the flop. A check would also be reasonable as an astute Villian would identify the bluffing opportunity on the turn and create a poor situation for us.

Other comment: If UTG had KKx, they should have raised and 4-bet. Going into the flop multi-way with that hand is criminal! If I'm 4-way with KKx going into flop, I'm almost always folding it. The only way you can get value is to flop a set and hope that a villain does the same.

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