Clash of Clans (2 Viewers)


A new beginning
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
Tampa FL
Who out there is still clashing? I'm well past the year mark playing, TH10 and lvl 124. Heroes only around lvl 21 each though, so got some work to do there.

Here's a new design I'm considering for when we war.

They just recently added the new dark spells, so haven't really gotten to play around with those much. My war army can 3-star TH9 with ease, and 2-star other TH10's:

army space = 240 camp space + 35 CC = 275
(4) Max Golems = 120 spaces
(6) Max Witches = 72 spaces
(16) Max Wizards = 64 spaces
(8) Max Wallbreakers = 16 spaces
(3) Max Archers = 3 spaces
BK/AQ = lvl 21
Spells = Max Rage x 3, Max Heal x 1 Almost Maxed Freeze x 1

My clan has switched, because of the poison spell, to higher hp CC troops for war castles (dragons, lava hounds, valks, loons).
I'm still playing... Haven't done any raiding since February but still am on regularly for war.

Max th9 in all but walls and will never go to th10, can 3 star all but max th9+Legos and 2 star most th10 we see.

In an outstanding war clan, none of us give a damn about the game other than war... 103-2 in our last 105.
Why not going to TH10? Infernos are freaking AWESOME and the extra army spaces are nice to raid the crap out of TH9's. Plus upgraded troops, etc. My clan wars all the time, although I opt out if I have a hero down, don't want to hurt the results.

But yeah, once I had at least all skull walls and all defenses maxed at TH9 I went for TH10. I know a lot of people say "oh, I want max EVERYTHING!" but that's so inefficient to stay at TH9 and try to get all lava walls (3 million each!) and max troops (lvl 30). Take two players who spend the same amount of time and earn the same amount of loot raiding, and have one stay at TH9 to max everything, and have the other upgrade to TH10 and get access to better offense, plus infernos, etc. and the TH10 player will be all the stronger because the TH9 player will have a long period of time where their builders are inactive.
Why not going to TH10?
Because I don't play the game anymore. I only war.
I know a lot of people say "oh, I want max EVERYTHING!"
That's not what I am doing. However...
but that's so inefficient to stay at TH9 and try to get all lava walls (3 million each!) and max troops (lvl 30). Take two players who spend the same amount of time and earn the same amount of loot raiding, and have one stay at TH9 to max everything, and have the other upgrade to TH10 and get access to better offense, plus infernos, etc. and the TH10 player will be all the stronger because the TH9 player will have a long period of time where their builders are inactive.
I disagree with that to a point. If both players are putting in the same amount of time the guy who maxed walls and heroes at TH9 will eventually outpace the one who went to TH10 early. Only difference is one had idle builders at TH9 and one had them at TH10. Being that the guy building walls at TH10 suffers a higher loot penalty means he will have to put in more time to make the same amount of loot. Sure the TH10 has an additional mine and collector (84K of each per day) but every NEXT costs another 33%, you lose 10% against all TH9's (call it 50K total per attack) and TH8s are nearly unlootable as he gets about half what a TH9 gets in the same attack.

You could say the TH9 might get looted more due to weaker defenses, but no. I never have over 1.2m of either gold or elixir as I have nothing to save for, it immediately gets dumped in to a wall. I leave my TH outside and can't remember the last time I was hit for anything else. Sure, the TH10 will be stronger in a shorter period of time but we are poker players... short term views are short sighted. The tortoise and the hare, slow and steady wins the race. Eventually the hare would be overtaken and if both players continued putting in the same amount of time he would never catch the tortoise.
My clan wars all the time, although I opt out if I have a hero down, don't want to hurt the results.
Any war clan worth their salt should require opting out when a hero is down.

Bottom line for me personally is moving to TH10 would not make the game any more enjoyable to me. What is the gain again?
Infernos are freaking AWESOME
I have no infernos and I get 3 starred in 6% of our wars... minimal gain
the extra army spaces are nice to raid the crap out of TH9's.
I don't raid. Ever. But looting is ridiculously easy anyways. Zero gain.
Plus upgraded troops, etc.
I don't need them. Clan is L6 so every troop I donate is maxed out except pekkas (which I don't donate). I use the funnest and most underused troop in the game to war with (Valks) and already beat the hell out of most bases I go up against. Only help it would be to my war army would be a single golem (as I take a maxed in my cc) and some wizards... wizards gain at L6 is a silly 15 DPA and 8hp... minimal gain
My war army can 3-star TH9 with ease
I can already 3-star over 90% of TH9s... minimal gain
and 2-star other TH10's
I can 2-star most TH10s we see... minimal gain

As you can see there are some small gains to be had but those are VASTLY outweighed by the negative affect it would have on the clan's war formula as soon as my TH and infernos were up negating the minimal gains with more difficult opponents. Do you notice it's rare to see even a rushed TH10 w/ hell towers behind a big TH9 on the war map? Those bad boys skyrocket your draw. The minimal gains I would receive are far outweighed by the negative effect it would have on the clan as a whole.
I guess different strokes for different folks Ronoh. But your hare vs tortoise is mathematically incorrect, at least provided you factor in daily farming/raiding into the equation and not just wars.

The player who goes to TH10 will get access to much stronger troops and a larger contingent of troops, allowing them to easily raid as much, if not more, than the TH9 player can. Yes, there's a loot penalty, but I can speak from personal experience that it hasn't effected me one bit at TH10. I still find plenty of targets that I raid for 250K -600K of each resource plus thousands of DE.

Yes, the initial stages after moving to TH10 are a bit tough, because you have to gear up your offense first and you don't have all the cool buildings to defend your loot right away. But that growing pain effects all upgrades to a new TH level from my recollection.

I leave my TH outside as well for snipers, but if someone does attack me it's rare they get more than 100K of each resource (i.e. one of each storage) because my defenses are so good.

The TH9 player who sits with idle builders would in no way mathematically have the edge (or be on an even stance) with the player who went to TH10, because the TH10 player would've gotten 7-14 day upgrades out of the way while the TH9 player was pumping walls.

In either case, while I believe 100% that your belief that the tortoise wins over the hare in this scenario, I can admit that everyone has fun in their own way and should play in a way they enjoy. I enjoy efficiency and growth, you're comfortable with the war side of things and keeping your power in check for better war matchups.
Almost maxed th9

All defences maxed except hair dryers. Heros only at 11. Walls at 8 and 9.

Will move to th10 when heros are at 15+ and all walls are 9
I guess different strokes for different folks Ronoh. But your hare vs tortoise is mathematically incorrect, at least provided you factor in daily farming/raiding into the equation and not just wars.

The player who goes to TH10 will get access to much stronger troops and a larger contingent of troops, allowing them to easily raid as much, if not more, than the TH9 player can. Yes, there's a loot penalty, but I can speak from personal experience that it hasn't effected me one bit at TH10. I still find plenty of targets that I raid for 250K -600K of each resource plus thousands of DE.
You said two players playing the same amount, the longer they loot each day the more it favors the TH9. Regardless of how much loot the TH10 is getting in raids, it would be more at TH9 due to no loot penalty... for example the 600K base you hit would have been worth 660K if you were TH9. Stronger troops are irrelevant for looting purposes... I rarely used half my army per raid and could normally go non-stop. Finish one raid, start searching for the next one.
grandgnu said:
The TH9 player who sits with idle builders would in no way mathematically have the edge (or be on an even stance) with the player who went to TH10, because the TH10 player would've gotten 7-14 day upgrades out of the way while the TH9 player was pumping walls.
The only thing that changes is the order in which it's done... the TH10 will be pumping those same walls while the max TH9 (now TH10) is doing those same 7-14 day upgrades.

If player 10 stops at skulls while player 9 goes on to lava that means P9 has idle builders and starts upgrading an additional 1 billion loot worth of walls while P10 starts on their TH10 builds. Once P10 has his new based maxed he will now have the idle builders and 1B worth of walls to pump out... and he is facing that 1B required loot with a loot penalty. P9 is doing his TH10 builds while P10 is pumping the walls P9 has already done. P9 will reach maxed TH10 with lavas before P10. Builders twiddling their thumbs at TH9 or at TH10 are still twiddling their thumbs. One has finished working while the other one is taking a break but they both end up taking the same amount of time off. ;)

grandgnu said:
I can admit that everyone has fun in their own way and should play in a way they enjoy. I enjoy efficiency and growth, you're comfortable with the war side of things and keeping your power in check for better war matchups.
Absolutely :)
You said two players playing the same amount, the longer they loot each day the more it favors the TH9. Regardless of how much loot the TH10 is getting in raids, it would be more at TH9 due to no loot penalty... for example the 600K base you hit would have been worth 660K if you were TH9.

You make a good point about the loot penalty, not to mention the TH10 has to spend more per search for their raids than TH9. But....

Stronger troops are irrelevant for looting purposes... I rarely used half my army per raid and could normally go non-stop. Finish one raid, start searching for the next one.

Ain't nobody got time for that! Unless you have the luxury time to BARCH 24/7, I actually use a more flexible army at TH10 when I raid, because I just don't have the free time to raid nonstop. So my army has giants and wizards, wb's and goblins in the mix as well as archers and barbs. It gives me the flexibility to hit someone for collectors that are exposed and full without using the full army, or having a flexible enough army that I can breach cores and raid protected storages.

The TH10 is going to have a much stronger army to accomplish that sort of thing, and is likely going to be hitting targets with more DE than the TH9 will be (since the TH9 will hit more TH8's than the TH10 will hit them).

Now, if you're talking TH9 vs TH10 both barching non-stop, the TH9 comes out ahead, I can't argue with you there.

The only thing that changes is the order in which it's done... the TH10 will be pumping those same walls while the max TH9 (now TH10) is doing those same 7-14 day upgrades.

If player 10 stops at skulls while player 9 goes on to lava that means P9 has idle builders and starts upgrading an additional 1 billion loot worth of walls while P10 starts on their TH10 builds. Once P10 has his new based maxed he will now have the idle builders and 1B worth of walls to pump out... and he is facing that 1B required loot with a loot penalty. P9 is doing his TH10 builds while P10 is pumping the walls P9 has already done. P9 will reach maxed TH10 with lavas before P10. Builders twiddling their thumbs at TH9 or at TH10 are still twiddling their thumbs. One has finished working while the other one is taking a break but they both end up taking the same amount of time off. ;)

Again you make a solid argument. I would counter that the TH10 has extra drills/collectors that pump out the following per day more than the TH9:

Gold & Elixir: 84,000 more per day
Dark Elixir: 2,400 more per day

In addition, a TH9 waiting to max EVERYTHING is likely going to be spending the biggest chunk of their time on maxing walls and heroes. It's possible they will cap out their research, leaving the lab sitting idle. And the TH10 is going to be more likely to be raiding a significant amount more dark elixir than the TH9, given that TH9 is going to hit a lot more TH8's in their raids.

But, as discussed, everyone has their own approach to achieving fun in this game, and that should be what matters to each.
I have been at TH9 to max everything but walls, probably a month away from upgrade to TH10. I agree with the increase in the extra troops and strength of troops over maxed walls, never understand those that rush up to TH10 and have lvl 4-5 troops. I am looking for a suggestion of a site to get some base designs, I think I used for my current set up, changed a but when we got the extra buildings without looking to see how the "pros" changed it. My clan is pretty bad at wars, we have 2 a week and lose 80% of them. I tend to get 2+ stars per attack at similar level bases, but most of the Canucks in my clan struggle with 3-5 down even. I randomly joined the clan, and they are mostly a good bunch of drunkards, just not great players. I am not trying to be awesome good, just to have fun, but like to protect my resources and have decent attacks in war, so any suggestions of quality sites is appreciated - without me needing a master's degree in game theory and mathematics to understand.

I also have a question, it seems to me that after the last patch, my lvl6 archers are getting one-shot by mortars where before it was 2 maybe 3 hits to kill them. Do you know if they lowered the health of archers or upped the mortar damage? My usual resource raids of 65% archers don't work anymore and I am using more giants, barbarians, and wall breakers making the net resource return a lot lower. Thoughts? What troops do you use for resource raids in Crystal2-3?

I used to frequent the clash forums, but now just design my own bases because I find it fun.

My understanding is that a mortar is supposed to be strong enough to one-shot archers of its own level (i.e. a level 4 mortar can 1-shot lvl 4 archers). Since I don't have the free time to raid like crazy with BARCH and I like the flexibility to push into a core for storages I roll with this army at TH10:

40 Barbarians
40 Archers
32 Goblins
8 Wallbreakers
16 Giants
8 Wizards

It's a bit heavy on elixir costs, but as long as you're pulling in 200K+ of elixir in your attacks you'll be ok. You could also LavaLoonion with 2 Lava Hounds, 22-26 loons and the rest minions. Not necessarily cheap or quick to train, but gives you the power that allows you to push into cores and get that loot!
For war I prefer GoWiWi. I don't like GoWipe cause I find PEKKA's to be a pain in the ass with their pathing and speed. I bring a lot of witches because I love how the skeletons serve as a neverending distraction for defenses, protecting my higher value troops, plus set off traps. My GoWiWi is comprised of:

(4) Golems
(6) Witches
(16) Wizards
remainder wallbreakers
(1) Heal
(2) Rage
(2) Freeze (or swap for rage and heal if attacking a TH9)

If there's a TH9 I can't 3-star with that combo I haven't found them. TH10 I two-star without issue.
I've been using shattered lava loon (I'm a near maxed th9 as well):

(2) L4 Golems
(4) L5 Wizards
(2) Wall Breakers
(1) Jump
(1) Poison

(2) L2 Hounds
(1) L3 Hound in CC
(16) L6 Balloons
(3) Rage
'Super Batmans' #R2GGUJP if we're full & you want to join just lmk and I can find someone to boot.
I'm still playing. We're mostly just a war clan now, and unfortunately, we don't have a massive amount of people anymore, so it's just 10v or 15v wars. If anyone wants to find me, it's Blackest Night, level 5 clan, my username there is the same as here.

I'm "Karn" in a clan called Death Squad, lvl 6 clan. I haven't had the chance to participate in any of their wars yet because I've had my heroes constantly upgrading, been fortunate with my DE raids. Should be joining them soon though, spending my next 100K in DE on maxed minions in the lab to I can start pitching in.
12 hours left in my TH upgrade to lvl 7. I am in a decent clan that wars all the time. I like it since I can't play often when working or at home with the family.
12 hours left in my TH upgrade to lvl 7. I am in a decent clan that wars all the time. I like it since I can't play often when working or at home with the family.

Nice, congrats on the upcoming upgrade. My clan is at 4251/4500 for experience, so just about to hit the level 7 clan perk. 95 war wins under our belts. Just saw one of our guys pull off a 3-star on a TH10 last war using 6 golems, rest wizards plus jump spells and lvl 40 heroes (mine are both lvl 23, BK is upgrading to lvl 24). Can't wait because I'm nearing the max-out point for my defenses and can start pumping walls again.
Here's my latest war base that is working really well. I'm part of the Poker Degens clan (from 2+2) and usually I'm #1 or #2 on our war map, so I'm getting hit by the best players our opponents have. Fortunately this little gem has held up well.

It's designed to give up 1-star, but that's it. My opponents generally make it into the core and get my TH. But you'll notice I have defenses ringing the core that pound anything inside it. This means their forces arrive in bulk and then get pounded and aren't able to get over 50% damage. Or if they do get over 50% damage it's because they failed to break my core and TH inside, still netting them just one star.

Anyone else still clashing? I've got three days left until I hit TH11 and can start building the new hero and defenses. I'm in champions league now and it's pretty rough getting pounded on by all the guys who gemmed their new hero up to level 20 already. I mean, even when I barely have any loot worth taking people hit me anyway. Using a modified version of my war base now that's keeping them to 1 star most of the time.

Already designed a TH11 base I'm going to try out. Got my BK going to lvl 29 (will finish shortly after TH11) and AQ is at lvl 27 so still have some hero pumping to do. League loot bonus is nice though, 200K of each plus 1200 DE.
I am still playing, but I play slow and free, so still maxing at TH10. Debating to get TH11 just for extras and hero, but not sure if wise until I can max troops and defenses.
I am still playing, but I play slow and free, so still maxing at TH10. Debating to get TH11 just for extras and hero, but not sure if wise until I can max troops and defenses.

I've got my defenses already maxed at TH10 (except for the final levels on both of my blowers). My walls are at a minimum legos, with a decent amount of lava (next to last) upgrades. But with TH11 providing a new hero and FIVE new defensive buildings I can't see not jumping on it at this point, especially for wars. It's unreal the number of people I'm encountering who've gemmed their stuff at TH11 already, Supercell is once again rolling in the $$$. I'm still doing it free as well.

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