3 of a Kind
Every year my company fundraisers for CMNH (Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals). CMNH is close to my heart - my best friend I grew up with and also my first niece may not have made it without the care, technology, and research done by these hospitals. For years I worked at a pharmacy right on campus with our local hospital. I couldn’t count how many families I got to know, along with their amazing stories of how the hospitals treated and healed their kids!
To kick off this years campaign I am going to auction off a complete sample set of both my tourney and cash sets, and donate the money to CMNH. My sets may not be legendary or sought after, but the money is going to a good cause and samples are somewhat rare - so far only P5Woody has a set for having done the label design on the CPC tourney set and artwork on the ABC ceramic cash set. I can’t promise a few other samples won’t go out in the future, but if so they will be few and far between.
11 chips and a plaque. CPC tourney set is 5 tri moon chips on the A mold. The ABC ceramic set is 3 chips and a $20 plaque, and I will also add my two alternative 5’s and a $20. All 39mm.
To show integrity as best I can, Saturday I will make a donation through one of our registers for the winning amount, and add the last two numbers from the winning post number to that amount in cents. For example, winning bid $10 on post #123 would be $10.23. I’ll send a picture of the receipt to the winner, and they can then send payment to me for the winning bid amount.
They’re packed in a SFRB and ready to go, I’ll ship them out this coming Monday! I’ll cover CONUS shipping, if it is international you pay the difference.
- Bids must be placed using numbers (no images), in whole dollars, and in minimum increments of $1
- NO RESERVE. The Starting Bid of this auction will be treated as the Reserve Price.
- All bids are to be placed openly in this thread. No bids via PM/Conversation.
- No bid edits or bid retractions permitted. (note: ALL edits are logged instantly)
- Auction will use the '5 minutes after last closing bid rule'. Highest bid at 10 pm Friday 7/17, Pittsburgh, PA will win unless there is a bid within 5 minutes of closing time - then the closing time will be within 5 minutes after the latest bid was posted. A bid at the close time is NOT a valid bid. Since seconds are not displayed on post timestamps, these examples will be used as a reference.
- I reserve the right to: 1) cancel the auction if no bids have been made; 2) edit the listing to correct errors or clarify rules as needed.
- PCF (its Owner, Admins, and Moderators) are in no way responsible for any actions in this auction.
- Shipping Terms: Free CONUS, international pays the difference from SFRB ($7.65)
- Payment Terms: PP F&F, Venmo