Canceled Casino Aztar $5 (1 Viewer)

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Nov 9, 2014
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Rating - 100%
21   0   0
For sale
100 Aztar Indiana $5
Used condition. But they are in good shape i think.
Just thinning the herd. Don’t need 4 racks so going to let one go.
I’m not sure if they are primary or secondary so please don’t ask.

I’m not responsible after I drop them off at the post office.

$160 plus shipping.
I’m not responsible after I drop them off at the post office.

Well, unless an insurance claim is necessary, in which case you are definitely responsible.

Sorry, don't mean to indict you in particular here, but I don't know why people keep repeating this bogus disclaimer shit.
Well, unless an insurance claim is necessary, in which case you are definitely responsible.

Sorry, don't mean to indict you in particular here, but I don't know why people keep repeating this bogus disclaimer shit.

So let me get this straight Larry.
You sell $5000 worth of chips. You mail them off and get a tracking number and they don’t show up, then you personally are refunding the buyer $5000? I don’t think so.
You will do your part to file a claim but that’s solely on the post office.

if that’s wrong let me know because I thought that’s how we did things around here.
So let me get this straight Larry.
You sell $5000 worth of chips. You mail them off and get a tracking number and they don’t show up, then you personally are refunding the buyer $5000? I don’t think so.
You will do your part to file a claim but that’s solely on the post office.

if that’s wrong let me know because I thought that’s how we did things around here.
Not to poop on your sales thread, but since you asked.
I agree with Larry (wow.)
There does not seem to be a consensus to how we do things around here - I recently had this discussion and there were a bunch of different opinions. Personally I question the legality of your attempted disclaimer, but it's not like anybody is going to court over a $160 rack.
As a seller, I buy insurance for any amount I'm not comfortable with losing.
I always do insurance if small but pass it on to the buyer if it’s a larger purchase.
Just confused that this has now become an issue.

for the record I’ve never had a single issue with a shipment.
I just have always thought when I get to the post office I wash my hands of the situation unless there needs to be a claim.
ive been I chipper for like 15 years.Way back on blue screen.
I haven’t been around here much lately so I guess I better catch up on some things.

no worries about thread crapping.
it’s things that new and old choppers need to know.
when I get to the post office I wash my hands of the situation unless there needs to be a claim.

Bingo. Most of us are not businesses and we can't easily eat the cost of a chip order if something happens. If I buy chips and I'm too cheap to send the seller extra for proper insurance, thats on me and not the seller
Right, but how often are these postal insurance policies even usable, in the case of a lost or damaged shipment? When talking about collectable chips this has got to be a nightmare when trying to make a claim.
I always do insurance if small but pass it on to the buyer if it’s a larger purchase.
Just confused that this has now become an issue.

It hasn't.

I just have always thought when I get to the post office I wash my hands of the situation unless there needs to be a claim.

That "unless" is the key point that was missing from the OP. But not every buyer, particularly if they're new, is necessarily going to know that.

Right, but how often are these postal insurance policies even usable, in the case of a lost or damaged shipment? When talking about collectable chips this has got to be a nightmare when trying to make a claim.

It helps for both the seller and buyer to take lots of photos at every stage of the process.
It helps for both the seller and buyer to take lots of photos at every stage of the process.

Just wondering if we have any documented examples of the claim process for large chip shipments that were lost or damaged. If not, we should probably have a thread for that... perhaps as a resource.
Never saw a dime out of any lost shipments. Sellers told me that any inquiries with USPS ended fruitless. So if I read risk with buyer I am mentally prepared for a write off.
If the package has the status “delivered” then the PO is difficult to work with, even if “delivered” means they dropped it off at the wrong address - this has happened to me so it’s not an absurd stretch.
They won’t cover porch pirating either, but your homeowners insurance might if you have it and you have video and a police report of it getting stolen
same with damaged in shipping - my experience is they try to put it back on you for “poor packaging” and you have to work it hard so pictures help
The rule of threes works here - the first two people you talk to will try to brush you off, it’s the third person you talk to that will actually do anything.
Ok, back to chips for sale:cool
The other might be a good tread for someone to start if there isn’t one already. Thanks for all the input.
Just wondering if we have any documented examples of the claim process for large chip shipments that were lost or damaged. If not, we should probably have a thread for that... perhaps as a resource.
Not a large claim, but I was PLEASANTLY surprised when I received a check in the amount of $50 (total covered on a SFRB without seller adding extra) for a shipment of a barrel of Jack $5's. I (for some unknown reason) didn't tape the sides on this particular package. It arrived to the buyer completely empty...I submitted a claim for the total value of the chips with a few pics of the empty box. I literally had a check inside of 10 days. No questions asked. All they said was we cannot approve your FULL claim as you did not purchase additional insurance...THOUSANDS of dollars in insurance claim might return a different result...just trying to give everyone on here a glimmer of hope that the USPS is forthright :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
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