PCF Giveaway Black Cat Club flipaway (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The Shire
Free chipes and a card capper up fo' grabs via a megaflip!


From top to bottom, left to right:
  • v1 bounty chip (ASM, 2009, FDL mold)
  • 'Born to gambol' promo chip (ASM LV, 2012, MD-50 mold)
  • MD-50 artwork prototype $100 chip (CPC, 2015)
  • 'Free drink' promo chip (ASM LV, 2012, MD-50 mold)
  • MDF card capper from PokerChipsDesign

Bonus update!



@detroitdad has very kindly donated a sample set of his lush Sunset chips! Get in!

What is going on?!

Free Black Cat Club and Sunset chipes via a flip!


Because of the gambol.

How to play?

Register your interest in this thread.

How is the winner decided?

A series of HE flips. All entrants will be randomly assigned a seat on a table and the flips will commence. The winner(s)* from each table will proceed to the final table.

When's the deadline?

Entry closing date is Friday 5th February at 3pm (GMT).

When does the flipping begin?

Shortly after the deadline for entries. Hole cards/boards will be posted itt.

Rulez 'n' stuff

  • Entrants must be a member of PCF and have 200+ posts
  • One entry per PCFers
  • Free shipping worldwide

Degen list

  1. Mr Cheese
  2. detroitdad
  3. links_slayer
  4. jbutler
  5. derekdd23
  6. bentax1978
  7. mipevi
  8. spikeithard
  9. liftapint
  10. Quicksilver-75
  11. Shaggy
  12. atomiktoaster
  13. courage
  14. manamongkids
  15. k9dr
  16. Trihonda
  17. Lars
  18. chipjoker
  19. BGinGA
  20. Psypher1000
  21. JFCJ
  22. justsomedude
  23. p5woody
  24. RowdyRawhide
  25. 72o
  26. gopherblue
  27. abby99
  28. Forty4
  29. Toby
  30. CdnBeerLover
  31. Pinball
  32. sleepypiggy
  33. tigon
  34. Gear
  35. Payback
  36. bivey
  37. Poker Zombie
  38. Ronoh
  39. stocky
  40. Jeff
  41. slisk250
  42. PatTheCat
  43. LabMonkey
  44. Phantom
  45. SixSpeedFury
  46. NiceShot
  47. Strike1st
  48. tommythecat
  49. doakwolf
  50. Ben
  51. David O
  52. MaxB
  53. Puggy
  54. ChipEnvy
  55. Mr Tree
  56. Junior24xx
  57. bluesman250
  58. BiGGyT
  59. maxim_666666
  60. QuiQuog
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In for "Free Drink" and MDF chip. Will pay the rest forward to second place...
Spoke to Toby. He is cool with it.

I'm throwing a sunset sample set into the mix. He can give it to the winner, the runner up, best over all hand, ect.....

@Toby , just tell me where to ship it when its all said and done.


Epic chips, epic give-away. Please count me in. :) Sounds like loads of fun!
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