For Sale BCC MGK Blanks - Spotted & Solids (1 Viewer)

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Straight Flush
Feb 2, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Rating - 100%
58   0   0
It is with some regret that I am offloading my BCC MGK Blanks. I was going to do a label project with these but decided to go in a different direction. $510 out the door to the US. Paypal F&F. Racks not included.

Blue - 100
Red - 100
Lavendar - 100
Green - 40
Peach - 180
Bone white/almond - 256


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I am soooooo tempted. Great price. GL w the sale, and to whomever snaps these up: I hate you. (But only a little bit.)
What denominations had you planned for the different colours?

My plans for them were very fluid based on what other chips I found to add to it, so I never really settled on denoms. I was leaning towards a relatively standard lineup of peach fracs, white $1s, red $5s, etc, but I'm not really sure what I would have ended up doing. sale time. This is incredibly cheap for these chips, but it's time to raise some cash!

$510 out the door to the US.
I have a sample set of the MGKs and they are really nice.
If anyone wants to split the set then I'd be in for 300 to 350 chips. I'm a little flexible but I'd want :
100 red/maroon,
100 -125 white
either 80-100 blue or 80-100 peach
10-20 green (or if this is a deal-breaker, maybe 10-20 peach/blue)
Anyone want the rest?
I'm not really interested in half of the set. Mostly interested in just the green and maybe around 50 of the white.
If this set is going to be broken up, and if the blue chips are TRK Dark Blue, and if nobody else takes them, I will probably take them even though I have no immediate use for them. TRK Dark Blue is one of my favorite chip colors of all time.
If this set is going to be broken up, and if the blue chips are TRK Dark Blue, and if nobody else takes them, I will probably take them even though I have no immediate use for them. TRK Dark Blue is one of my favorite chip colors of all time.

That is the color. I had them before selling them to Psypher1000. Really nice color. Was thinking of keeping them, but also don't really have a use for them.
That is the color. I had them before selling them to Psypher1000. Really nice color. Was thinking of keeping them, but also don't really have a use for them.

Having a rack of chips I don't use is better than having an entire set of chips that I don't use. Or not. Depends on one's perspective.
Having a rack of chips I don't use is better than having an entire set of chips that I don't use. Or not. Depends on one's perspective.

I'd rather have a set I don't use so I can sell it for more money. :D

I have other expensive hobbies, so if I have even a rack that I'm not going to use, sell it and buy something else.
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