for some reason i thought i remembered that the design (and maybe name) has some meaning in matt's (imthatguy) family history. i have a heck of a time searching for old threads on CT after the update, so i can't confirm, but that's my immediate recollection at least.
beautiful set in any case and i have to just shake my head when i see that the chips were originally $1.30 each. making that set nowadays would be at least 50% more expensive, so the price for these now is a real steal if you can live with the breakdown.
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also, i would counsel anyone against buying it with the intent to add on for two reasons: (1) the 3V spot version used on the T100 is not a standard available CPC spot (i don't know if David and Jim could do it for you, but i wouldn't take for granted that they could) and (2) the earlier FDL chips - these included - came out with a larger diameter than current FDL chips. i have or had one of the above chips - i think the T500 - and it was noticeably bigger to the point where it couldn't be shuffled with a stack of current FDLs.
not trying to discourage the purchase. i love these chips and the price is definitely right. just make sure the breakdown works for you as is.