Am I a fish? (1 Viewer)


Full House
Dec 19, 2014
Reaction score
Eggenwil / Switzerland
We played 0.25/0.50.

I'm (100 BB) on the button with :ah::td: and raise to 1.50. SB folds and BB (65 BB) a semi-tight player, who has a lot strange personal problems with me what also has an influence on his play vs me, reraises to 3. I call.

Flop: :ad::js::2h: Pot: 6.25

BB: Checks
I: c-bets 3
BB: calls

Turn: :7c:

BB: Checks
I: Bet 7
BB: Shoves all in.

How many players are there and did everyone fold to you?
& what's your table image?
Does villain tend to bluff too much against you because of this personal issue?
Stack sizes?
They started at $50 and $35 by the amounts of big blinds they had at the beginning.

We played 0.25/0.50.

I'm (100 BB) on the button with :ah::td: and raise to 1.50. SB folds and BB (65 BB) a semi-tight player, who has a lot strange personal problems with me what also has an influence on his play vs me, reraises to 3. I call.

Flop: :ad::js::2h: Pot: 6.25

BB: Checks
I: c-bets 3
BB: calls

Turn: :7c:

BB: Checks
I: Bet 7
BB: Shoves all in.


Unless this guy is famous for his bluffs fold. Usually an overbet like this is from a guy playing a big hand and losing his cool.

My guess is he setted something like jacks on the flop and had identified you for an ace.
For some reason I skimmed right over it.

I agree, I think folding is the best option. After all, you only have one pair.
How many players are there and did everyone fold to you?
& what's your table image?
Does villain tend to bluff too much against you because of this personal issue?

6 Players and all folded to me

Yes, villain tend to not giving up second pairs like KK or QQ vs me
Normally I would fold with just having a pair with med. kicker. But I've never seen this play by the villain with strong hands, so I have given him not much A weaker kicker or more likely KK QQ and trying to pull me off from a weaker Ace.

So I called and he showed KK and telling me that I'm a fish and left the room for the evening in pissed mood.

Maybe I'm a cg fish in general with this play, but I think I have given him the right hand range OR I was just lucky to be right once in a lifetime ;)
If you had checked the turn behind, you would have never gotten in this situation where you are left guessing. :)

But I would have probably checked the Flop behind after getting raist preflop, and then bet bet Turn+River.
Though, obviously you got maximum value from your hand ;)
Any player that has to berate an opponent they believe to be the fish, is no fisherman

Also it's an indictment on their thinking in general. When I make a failed play I immediately run it through my head and think "what could or should I have done differently?"

The thinking of someone who reacts like this is "I played that perfectly, your call was a fish call."

One of these is an internal locus of power and the other one externalizes it and blames the result on luck/fish/etc.
You should've just replied "maybe you suck at poker" to get him further pissed, lol. Can't stand asshats who need to berate others at the table like it's the first time they've ever lost a hand.
I just said nothing to the fish quot, dont wanna give more oil into the fire ;) because he has already some problems with me.
It's a super-dry board & it's a BSB battle.
PF, you have to raise and I see little reason to 4-bet.
flop bet is fine; checking is OK too. Given villain, I prefer betting.
turn bet is dubious imo. We only have top pair OK kicker. Prefer a check here then bet or call almost all rivers.
Villain's bet makes very little sense. With a set or top 2 pair, we'd expect a value-raise then a river shove. An ace or jack we expect to call or maybe fold. Guess he can play 27,AK,AQ,a set like this & be trying to represent a bluff. But unless you've seen him pull shit like that before, it's unlikely. Good call imo.
It's a super-dry board & it's a BSB battle.
PF, you have to raise and I see little reason to 4-bet.
flop bet is fine; checking is OK too. Given villain, I prefer betting.
turn bet is dubious imo. We only have top pair OK kicker. Prefer a check here then bet or call almost all rivers.
Villain's bet makes very little sense. With a set or top 2 pair, we'd expect a value-raise then a river shove. An ace or jack we expect to call or maybe fold. Guess he can play 27,AK,AQ,a set like this & be trying to represent a bluff. But unless you've seen him pull shit like that before, it's unlikely. Good call imo.
If he's fishy the shove makes sense if he has a set. I've seen plenty of fish positiveky blow their load when they make a set regardless of current pot size.
I score the hand this way:

Raising preflop with ATo from the button = A (top 12% hand or so in best position).
Preflop call of the min-raise = B (Hero is in a classic dilemma here, not knowing if he needs to hit an ace or ten, but needing to hit something almost always) This is the only close play in the hand - fold vs calling the minraise.
Note the SPR is less than 5. Hero is stacking off with top pair most of the time.
Flop bet = B- No reason to give a free card, Hero is already in stack off mode due to SPR. Low grade due to small bet sizing.
Turn bet = B- Same thing as flop, a good idea but sizing wrong.
Personally I'd have checked the turn and let villain bet the river, but I miss a bet way too often so maybe bet/bet/bet is best.
Calling turn shove: A ($19.50 bet into a 26.5 pot with a low SPR and a polarized betting sequence looks like a snap call vs this villain)

"Fish" play of the hand? Min raising KK out of position.


PS please note that villain isn't making an overbet - the shove is less than 75% of the pot.
Its easy to say now that I know the results, but a lot of time with inexperienced players they will overbet weak hands and underbet big hands, because they obviously want folds if they have weaker holdings and calls if they have stronger holdings. The higher up in stakes you go (or the better the player) this may not be the case. People may start overshoving for value hoping you think they are bluffing, etc. So in other words, it all depends on the other party.
It sounds like you placed HIM on the right hand and you played well, I wont call you a fish...But you are a jerk for calling his all in (insert sarcasm).....
It sounds like this was a marginal call, one where the right answer was highly dependent on your read of the situation.

You made a read, and it was right, and you won.

People who call you a fish in such situations... should always be invited back!
People who call you a fish in such situations... should always be invited back!

I actually prefer to not invite people who can't control their emotions and chastise other players, just makes for an unfriendly environment and you want a game where people are having fun (even if they're losing)
I actually prefer to not invite people who can't control their emotions and chastise other players, just makes for an unfriendly environment and you want a game where people are having fun (even if they're losing)

I agree, actually... but you do have to give people a little leeway immediately after you bust them out.

OP mentioned villain had "strange personal problems" with him... but it was offered primarily in context of the read, I think. If the person is really a problem, I agree with you - have to protect the game.
No problem for the people in the game, we can handle him. ;) We always give each other second, third..... chances if needed.
You asked yourself a fundamental question. Is this consistent with his play?

The huge over bet with King's sort of tells me he is trying to push you off the hand and he doesn't have the nuts based on your description of him so far. Why not value bet to get more out of the loose player hoping for a re-raise if he is strong rather than send the message of all in? Has his value bet scared you off before?

Something was fishy but I am not sure that was you. Good read.
really depends on who im up against.

theres a player or two that come to my house that would call 3 with pocket 7s on an ugly flop (for him) and then check raise the set. these guys dont usually consider stack sizes when betting.
sounds like hes the fish going all in with KK with an A on the board. id prob be thinking you had AJ or A and good kicker. your betting matched those hands and it would be hard to for you to fold those hands by the way he was betting (at least for me it would against most people).

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