For Sale $32.25 / Barrel - Protege Chips :) (1 Viewer)

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Yeah, I guess without shipping with tracking there is no way of knowing where the package went. And tracking international costs a lot.
I'm on a wrist watch forum where the "feedback and reputation" section is filled with brutal stories of guys getting screwed out of thousands...

Simply isn't worth the potential risk...

Again, apologies to overseas buyers... I'm sure most --if not all-- of you are pleasant, honest and trustworthy people... It's a case of "a few rotten apples spoiling the bunch"

If I were overseas, I'd get an American buddy to make the purchase and then ship it to me... Pretty simple ;)
I think if you receive payment via "friends and family" a lot of the "buyer" security is eliminated. The whole "hey I didn't receive my item" or "it wasn't as described... I want my money back" isn't relevant when money was "sent as a gift to my friend."

I understand your concern... and I would definitely be concerned though eBay. The few international transactions I have had through PCF and Chiptalk have been smooth.

I shouldn't be persuading you to open up your listing to more people... I'm waiting for ~June 15 before I jump in.:)
If you do open up sales to Australia, just remember it's June 5th there now, so you will have to give them the discounted price earlier ;)
I rarely ship international. I used to routinely ship packages overseas, but after I got the short end of the stick twice (both times to France) along with having to deal with some really rude French pricks, I no longer offer overseas shipping unless the package is an insured MFRB. A SFRB doesn't offer insurance for international shipments, and I won't use them, no matter how many or how few chips are involved. Most buyers don't want to pay the extra shipping costs and taxes (since there's a declared value), and that's fine with me -- less hassle I spend filling out PITA custom forms.

I do make exceptions for overseas buyers that I know well, or those I have bought from before (returning the favor). And I typically don't consider Canadian shipments as international (even though they do require customs form) - hey, they're neighbors.
june 10th pricing!!!

$166.05 per rack!

mix & match your 100 chips any way you wanna!

price is all in - includes shipping & paypal

- bdz
Well over half have sold at this point!

Jump in and get you some! I have a feeling they'll all be gone within the next few days

thursday, june 11th pricing:

$162.05 / rack! you mix, you match!!

all in pricing! includes PP & shipping!!

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Current availability:
112 x $1 blue
223 x $25 green
22 x $100 black
70 x $500 lavender
82 x $1,000 yellow

Sold so far:
20 x $1 blue
405 x $5 red
180x $25 green
180 x $100 black
32 x $500 lavender
20 x $1000 yellow
202 x NCV peach
20 x $5,000 plaques
10 x $25,000 plaques
Current availability:
112 x $1 blue
123 x $25 green
22 x $100 black
52 x $1,000 yellow

Sold so far:
20 x $1 blue
405 x $5 red
180x $25 green
180 x $100 black
102 x $500 lavender
50 x $1000 yellow
202 x NCV peach
20 x $5,000 plaques
10 x $25,000 plaques
Hey Bordizzle -

I will pay you $1.40 per chip for 20 greens ($25) and 20 blues ($1) for a total of $56. Let me know if you're interested.


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