Giveaway 2020 Holiday Giveaway (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
Jul 27, 2019
Reaction score
I have no idea where we're up to on the "12 Days of PCF" giveaway days, so I'll throw this up separately.

Pictured below is what will be given away:


All cards pictured are paper except for the Cartamundi deck (US Cartamundi, not Belgium, sorry folks). The rest is a set of poker and bridge size cut cards, two dealer buttons, and a smattering of Paulson chip singles.

To enter, post in your response a funny story from a PCF meetup or a home game you've attended. I'll stick each entry in a random number generator and that poster will win. I'll cover USA shipping, international would be at cost minus 8 USD. I'll leave this open until 12/20/20 at 8pm Eastern US time, upon which I'll draw a winner.

Thank you all for making this a great place to be at. Stay safe, healthy, and wishing everyone the best.

I attended the SSSS II meet up with the intention to not do much, but cash game. I was somehow convinced to do the tournament and let's just say I received a donkey trophy :D
When I was in high school I happened to find myself at a college party and there was a poker game going outside on the deck. At the time I had never played holdem before. They convinced me to put my $20 down and play, prob for good reason, since I was probably dead money. Long story short through their bewilderment of how I played my hands I emerged victorious. Been hooked ever since :cool
I play at the firehouse pretty’s my ‘home’ game. Every now and then a call will go out in the middle of a hand/game. We just leave everything as-is, and pick back up when we get back. It’s never a problem...we trust each other.

Last year around Christmas it happened in the middle of a Friday night cash game. We came back and all the chips were back in the racks, sorted neatly by color, and stacked in a corner. WTF?

Turns out a guy’s wife came by to set up for a “decorating cookies with Santa” party the next morning and figured she’d help out by cleaning up after the slobs who left everything out!
I'll be honest. I primarily want the DB's lol.

I think it was 4 years ago. I'm not too sure though. I went the Atlanta Meet up with Paulo. On day two I play my first true dealers choice/circus games. I absolutely got my ass handed to me. I think we started playing around 11 in the morning. 100 max buy in. By 2 pm I was stuck 4 buy ins. 3-2-1 destroyed me (well, my skill set destroyed me). I grabbed a beer, headed out back and called Colleen. We chatted for about 45 minutes. When I went back inside the circus table thankfully was full. I sat at the NLHE table with his locals and @TroyMan . I proceeded to get back to even on the day within about 2 hours. One hand in particular was huge.

I think I had a suited 10/Q in the BB. There was a raise to 2 bucks and everyone called. I flopped the nut straight with the 2nd flush draw. Craziness ensued and I hit my flush and won a 4 way all in.

On the drive home with @ChaosRock we probably had a 4 hour strategy discussion on playing circus games (well, I asked questions, he educated). That ride home changed how I played mixed games. Also changed my success rate.

This one time on P* (PCF Poker Tourney), I called @Beakertwang with K6 off and knocked him out of a tourney for the win. Then I asked people to find the hand I used to beat him as part of a giveaway :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
I'll be honest. I primarily want the DB's lol.

I think it was 4 years ago. I'm not too sure though. I went the Atlanta Meet up with Paulo. On day two I play my first true dealers choice/circus games. I absolutely got my ass handed to me. I think we started playing around 11 in the morning. 100 max buy in. By 2 pm I was stuck 4 buy ins. 3-2-1 destroyed me (well, my skill set destroyed me). I grabbed a beer, headed out back and called Colleen. We chatted for about 45 minutes. When I went back inside the circus table thankfully was full. I sat at the NLHE table with his locals and @TroyMan . I proceeded to get back to even on the day within about 2 hours. One hand in particular was huge.

I think I had a suited 10/Q in the BB. There was a raise to 2 bucks and everyone called. I flopped the nut straight with the 2nd flush draw. Craziness ensued and I hit my flush and won a 4 way all in.

On the drive home with @ChaosRock we probably had a 4 hour strategy discussion on playing circus games (well, I asked questions, he educated). That ride home changed how I played mixed games. Also changed my success rate.

This isn’t funny, Bill! It’s actually costing me money! Thanks for nothing @ChaosRock :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
This isn’t funny, Bill! It’s actually costing me money! Thanks for nothing @ChaosRock :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

I run good against you one night. Sheeeesh lol. I couldn't miss. I was getting great starting hands. Flopping all kinds of draws, and then hitting them. I think I took 3/4s of a couple of huge pots last night.
I run good against you one night. Sheeeesh lol. I couldn't miss. I was getting great starting hands. Flopping all kinds of draws, and then hitting them. I think I took 3/4s of a couple of huge pots last night.

Don't be mad. Just play better ;)
I hosted a home tournament with a bunch of friends. My one buddy always arrives last. That day he arrived last, sat down with a cold drink and got ready to play. He got knocked out the very first hand by dumb luck of the cards. He pounded his beer and said “cee u next Tuesday” and left. We all laughed.
At my game last night I had 65s, flop came A65 rainbow, my wife opened, and I raised all in on the button hoping for a fold, knowing she had an Ace and would stay in against any small bet. She of course called. Turn was an Ace. River was a queen. She had AQs. She stacked me 3 times throughout the game. :)
Got to play poker with 2 professors in grad school. They came to my home game once and even brought books as bounties. Crazy enough the one professor who never played made it to the final 5 out of 27. He was joking with all of us and having a great time. Said he might just be a poker player...of course he is still a professor.
Ok. I was at a friend's game about a year ago. Two guys were doing a good job dominating the rest of the table, until they had a hand against each other. 1/2 table.

Guy one just called the blind. Guy two raised to 12. Everyone folded around to guy one, who called the 12.

Flop comes out :ac::ad::ah:. Both check.
Turn comes out :7h:. Both check.
River comes out :3c:.

Guy one checks. Guy two bets 10. Guy one looks at his cards, and raises to 20. Guy two quickly yells "all in". Guy one licks the back of one of his cards, sticks it to his forehead :as:, looks around the table with the card stuck to his forehead, and says "I call"
Two stories, though neither PCF related.

In college, I played in a .05/.10 NLH home game. On a typical night, the big winner might take home $40. Well, one night a new player shows up and talks a big game. I run hot enough to cut through steel, and he's running so cold a penguin would complain. When the game is ready to break, I'm up nearly $300 and he's down close to $200. The big talker just cannot stand it and wants to buy in for $200 and play me heads up. I've actually reached the point I feel bad for the guy and try to talk him out of it, but he goads me to the point I agree. He deals the first hand, and after a few raises, he shoves and I call. I have AA. He has KK. He runs it out. My AA holds, and he packs up and leaves without speaking to anyone. Worst I've ever felt for anyone at a poker game. He remains the only person I know to lose roughly 4000 BB in one six hour session.

Good friend of mine is playing at Foxwoods and sits at a NLH table. Plays a couple of hands and doubles up. Plays a couple of hands and doubles up again. Guy from across the table says, "You must have gotten the lucky seat." My friend responds, "I think you've got the lucky seat." The guy responds, "No. This seat isn't very lucky." Only then does my friend notice the guy is sitting in a wheelchair.
12ish hours left on this
Congratulations @ktran ! PM me your address and I'll get this out tomorrow!

Christmas 2020 giveaway.png
Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
I was at a meetup that Bergs and chickenrob were hosting (Rob’s House, Bergs’ chips) can’t remember if this was the main event or the Sohe championship. But I’d been drinking Jameson, and Id only been around chipping for like a year, so I guess you could say I was a drunken idiot? But we were using Bergs’ Dunes chips, and I guess I just assumed nobody could have so many real Dunes chips or that they wouldn’t spread them for such a diverse crowd, so I asked the table, these are the China Clays, right?
Good friend of mine is playing at Foxwoods and sits at a NLH table. Plays a couple of hands and doubles up. Plays a couple of hands and doubles up again. Guy from across the table says, "You must have gotten the lucky seat." My friend responds, "I think you've got the lucky seat." The guy responds, "No. This seat isn't very lucky." Only then does my friend notice the guy is sitting in a wheelchair.
Oh boy, awkward and uncomfortable :x
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