2020 hasn't been that bad! Confessions of a new UK chipper (2 Viewers)


Jan 23, 2020
Reaction score
London, England
Bear with me, this is going to be a long post! I hope it'll prove useful for many new members though.

Back in January I hosted a cash game, I had hosted games over the years but they had been too infrequent for my liking. I decided 2020 was going to be the year to get something regular going, I set up a whatsapp group, got around 20 players interested and was looking forward to a monthly game. What is it they say about best-laid plans...

After a profitable first evening, I decided (with plenty of encouragement from a mate of mine) to explore better chips. We'd played for 20 years with dice chips and they just weren't going to cut it. This was my first mistake...First of all I went to amazon and was almost certain I wanted the slugged Outlaw chips. I knew I had 4 weeks to my next game, so I didn't want to waste time doing silly things like getting samples...Instead, I found @Hobbyphilic on YouTube and watched a worrying amount of videos in a 12 our period. By the time I went to bed that night I had a PCF account.

I knew I wanted Paulson's like everyone else, however, I also knew that being in the UK meant I would struggle. After watching the review of the Dunes CC's 25 times, I decided to take the plunge. 800 chip cash set covering a range of stakes. I was delighted. They were shipped promptly and I then had a sweat watching for postal updates as the game approached. They arrived the day before, I raced down to the sorting office and picked them up, first impressions were, "what the hell is all this dust?" and "they look great for what they cost"! I was a happy camper.

The following night, things took a turn for the worse...The chips would not stack perfectly (I later learned that this was to be expected), this was disappointing but worse still, someone else said, "you need a better table now mate!"....The following day, I ordered 2 sheets of ply, and emailed @T_Chan to buy a custom cloth! I also decided I couldn't cope with the size issues and order some DDLM samples from @BR Pro Poker...I learn from my mistakes!

The samples arrived the same day that Covid-19 appeared in the UK. I decided to do the sensible thing and hold off on purchasing more chips as there was no telling when the next game would take place. I held onto this position for a good 2 weeks before I couldn't take it any more and I just had to take the plunge...The 15% discount code was too good to refuse as it essentially covered the cost of importing the chips.

So, it's now March, I have 800 Semi-Custom DDLM's en route, a custom cloth being designed and 2 sheets of ply in the garage. I also have no idea when the next home game will take place and I find out I am about to be a Dad for the first time. I had no choice now, I had to shove all-in and get this "project" over the line. Over the next few months I learnt more than I ever thought possible about foam (4 different orders in the end....always get a single sheet for the rail! (PM if you need a UK supplier), vinyl and spray glue. I have to mention @Irish for his advice when it comes to the build. I wouldn't have known where to start without his "upholstering a rail" thread!

Anyway, long story...slightly less long. Pics below...I'll be putting all this away for 1 year or more now I expect and need to leave PCF to make sure I don't buy any Paulson's. Thanks to everyone tagged above for your help in getting me to this point. You are all awesome!

Stay Safe and always order samples!

P.S. If any UK folks want help when it comes to table builds in the future, where to get materials etc, let me know. That's the main reason for this post, and to say thanks!

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-30 at 15.00.49.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-30 at 15.59.01.jpeg

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WhatsApp Image 2020-05-31 at 15.17.41.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-05-31 at 17.42.35.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-05-31 at 21.40.49.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-06-01 at 21.34.41.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-06-01 at 22.59.13.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-07-17 at 13.48.35.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-07-19 at 12.17.42.jpeg
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Welcome fellow UK chipper. I cant agree with you more regarding getting decent chips in the UK. Im currently after a nice cash game set but im finding it near impossible to find anyone selling on here even. My moneys burning a hole in my pocket lol
You definitely went in head first into this!

Everything looks great. Hope you're able to play soon. Have to put that table and those chips to use!
Congratulations for the brave and concerted efforts! Carry on!
Death of all poker pleasures (i.e. a family with children and the inevitable transformation of the wife into a tyrant) is on your doorstep:LOL: :laugh:
Spend big now man! Buy as much as you can. It's probably the last time in your life you 'll ever be able to do so. Buy a turn-key $10,000 mint PCA set.:D
If truly necessary, sell later on.:)
Awesome!!! Love to play on that table , looking for low-ish stakes london games When Covid allows

I'll pm you when the time is right, I'm just North of Barnet. The missus is the size of a house now, I suspect that having a new baby might stop me having any home games for even longer than Covid does!
You definitely went in head first into this!

Everything looks great. Hope you're able to play soon. Have to put that table and those chips to use!

Haha tell me about it...look what I had to make after I made the table. I realised my garage was not up to scratch! I used the centre of the sheet of ply I cut out for the rail

WhatsApp Image 2020-07-17 at 19.48.49.jpeg
Congratulations for the brave and concerted efforts! Carry on!
Death of all poker pleasures (i.e. a family with children and the inevitable transformation of the wife into a tyrant) is on your doorstep:LOL: :laugh:
Spend big now man! Buy as much as you can. It's probably the last time in your life you 'll ever be able to do so. Buy a turn-key $10,000 mint PCA set.:D
If truly necessary, sell later on.:)

Haha! Don't tempt me mate! I am determined to be good now...
@Thomacetti I forgot you! Thanks for your guidance too...you got me on the right track when it came to finding materials!...and yes, I am proper happy with my efforts!
Mine is the 430, comfortably holds 800 chips, 20 plaques, 4 decks and a couple of buttons. Comes in at around 11kg mind you!
Ooft i prob wont need one that big ill have 600 chips tops with 2 packs of cards just.
I'll pm you when the time is right, I'm just North of Barnet. The missus is the size of a house now, I suspect that having a new baby might stop me having any home games for even longer than Covid does!

Yes , good luck with the new arrival.

The vinyl was from Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/821049937/coventry-pvc-leatherette-faux-leather?click_key=eb5810c3b63f6d65ec222dd8e1f26ff844f57ce1:821049937&click_sum=4f85ba33&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=vinyl+pvc&ref=sr_gallery-1-2&frs=1&bes=1&col=1

The foam was from these guys - https://www.gbfoamdirect.co.uk/foam-cut-to-size-and-shape/

The foam was much more difficult than the vinyl. Trying to find a supplier that could provide a single sheet that was big enough. You can try and use multiple pieces but that was a bloody nightmare!
Thank you - much appreciated
I’ve had the same issues being from the UK. I just ordered a 500 set of NJs and now that I’ve seen how incredible your case is I’m super jealous and must have one!

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