Found 20 - 40 x Tropicana Express $1 (1 Viewer)

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Jul 15, 2016
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If anybody has 2 barrels of these lying around collecting dust... please let me know.
Screen Shot 2020-05-31 at 12.50.17 AM.png
Thanks !!!
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Pretty sure I have a barrel of $5's, I'll check for $1's today.

My boss went to Laughlin a few years ago. I asked him to get me a barrel of $1's, he came back and handed me $5's! I told him I hadn't intended to cover a f'ing barrel of $5's, he said they were a gift. Um, ok...
I checked and have a barrel of $1's, but probably not the $1's you're looking for. I have the white RHC that have the 3, blue moon spots. I assume you're looking for the tan that have nicer spots.
Is this casino closed now??

They're still opened. Well, probably closed for the 'Rona crap...

They used to have a small Poker room. Last time I was there (3+ years ago) they had closed the Poker room. Laughlin really SUCKS for Poker. Colorado Belle has a decent sized room (for Laughlin). They had 6 or 7 tables running last time I was there.
I checked and have a barrel of $1's, but probably not the $1's you're looking for. I have the white RHC that have the 3, blue moon spots. I assume you're looking for the tan that have nicer spots.
Yeah, thanks for looking. I’m looking for the almond colored with brown and bright peach color!
Anybody able to help me out here ???
I would settle for one barrel if possible !!!
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