Found 1500-2000 chip THC/RHC/IHC limit set (1 Viewer)

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Feb 6, 2021
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I'm looking to make a second limit set that in the 2000 chip range, ideally already completed but if not totally complete then made up of chips that are generally acquirable over time. Good condition chips but they don't have to be in outstanding shape. I'd prefer a traditional white $1 chip.

Another direction I could take this is to make this set out of some fairly well-used Detroit MGM $1's if someone is sitting on a bunch of racks of those to add to the ones I have.

Or if someone is sitting on a bunch of racks of well-used HSI $5's I could add those to the ones I already have, although I think I'd prefer to do this in white.
Uh. This ask is harder than you think for almost anything besides Paris THC $1s and Tina.

HSI $1 RHC is possible. 20 racks is still a lot of any of the 3 versions.

@arch3r has a 25+ rack limit set of THC Horseshoe Cleveland $1s but it took quite a while. I feel an additional 20 racks would be difficult to find today.

IHC is impossible even if you offered $15/chip. Full casinos often only have 30 racks total, going by past TCR counts.

@JeepologyOffroad has what 12-15 racks of THC Tiger $2s but you’ll find the price isn’t the same as Paris $1s.

My advice is to order a bunch of 43mm Tina’s from @justincarothers or chase down HSI $1s.
Surely you could get 20 racks of HSI 1a’s right? Seems like they are everywhere.
Yeah I already have 2/3 of a full limit set of Paris $1 chips which I’m really liking. This next set is for something different so I wanted to do something other than Paris $1s.

Tigers are just more than I’m going to spend on this.

I have 5 racks of Detroit MGMs so I feel I can probably accumulate another 10+ racks so perhaps that is the best direction if there isn’t a ready-made set I can buy.

HSI 1a also a good idea.

But perhaps someone already has a set of something they want to sell.
You could always use starbursts as your workhorse and then whatever as your value chip.
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