Chip racks for TRK chips (1 Viewer)


Royal Flush
Mar 23, 2013
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Does anyone know what size racks will fit TRK chips perfectly?
I have some mint-ish TRKs, and they measure about 64.5 to 65.0 mm per barrel. I measured some used TRKs, and they clocked in at 62-63 mm per barrel. So, to paraphrase Racer Mike, survey says, BZZZZZZZZT!!!

One possible solution (credit to Key West Dennis for the idea)...

I have some of those clear plastic chip spacers. They are about 31.5 mm diameter, and 3.1 mm thick. With the right sized rack, you could put one of these spacers in each barrel for the right fit. You could even glue the spacers in place for convenience.

Paulson racks and other "66.7" racks:
66.7 mm - 3.1 mm = 63.6 mm - Won't work for mint TRKs, but might be great for used TRKs.

Chinese "67.7" racks:
67.7 mm - 3.1 mm = 64.6 mm - Perhaps a little tight, especially if your TRKs are mint.

"Made in China" racks (69 mm):
69.0 mm - 3.1 mm = 65.9 mm - These racks are really cheap, and would still work for mint TRKs, but if your chips are worn down to 62-63 mm / barrel, the racks would hold 21 chips in a barrel.

If you like the idea, I'd buy the spacers first, and measure their actual thickness (in case they're different than mine) before selecting racks to buy.
Thanks for the details and the tip. I have a few of those spaces. I will try it with them tonight.
Does anyone know what size racks will fit TRK chips perfectly?

Yeah, no consistency even with mint chips.
Another vote for spacers. Chipco racks with chip spacers are how I rack all my TRKs.

Glad you caught my omission! I have some of the original (softer acrylic) pre-PGI Chipco racks. Being a softer material, the consistency in barrel width is not as good as Paulson racks, but I love them because they're nearly unbreakable, and they work well for counting Paulson chips at cash-out time as long as the Paulsons aren't too worn.

Anyway, their barrel width varies a bit, but I'd call it 67.0 nominal.

67.0 mm - 3.1 mm = 63.9 mm

Consequently, given that Chipco racks with spacers work for you, I'm guessing that you must either have worn TRKs, or different spacers, or different Chipco racks, because minty TRKs at 64.5 - 65.0 mm wouldn't fit in MY Chipco racks with MY spacers. :)

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Yeah, no consistency even with mint chips.

Now let's be honest. You just did that to show off! :eek:
Consequently, given that Chipco racks with spacers work for you, I'm guessing that you must either have worn TRKs, or different spacers, or different Chipco racks, because minty TRKs at 64.5 - 65.0 mm wouldn't fit in MY Chipco racks with MY spacers. :)

Well, this strikes to the heart of the problem. There is no consistency even among mint TRKs as David showed in his pictures. Here is a rack of dead-mint Jessie Beck's along side a rack of used but not terribly worn Overlands. Both racks are in old (cloudy) Chipco racks with spacers from one purchase batch.


Both racks fit snuggly with the spacers. So for me, this setup works. But you are 100% right: everything depends on what combination of chips, racks, and spacers you are using. Can we group buy that European guy with the cool machined racks to make us some proper fitting racks? :)
Spacers are work great in some "Made in China' racks that I have. Time to get more spacers. :)

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