GB Completed Tina GB Turbo (Only 24h to Order) (2 Viewers)

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3 of a Kind
Supporter Plus
Sep 16, 2022
Reaction score
Not sure if this is exactly a GB, but I'm about to order from Tina and I figure it couldn't hurt to open this up to see if anyone wants to tack on.

As we already discussed in my mockup feedback thread, my set is pretty personal to me and I'm not the best artist. This is just a fun, cheap, fool-around-with-design set while I save for CPCs. So I doubt anyone else would want a full set of mine. But if anyone wants samples, a fun barrel, or any of my buttons, just say the word. Or of course, a full set is still an option if you really do want that.

I'm also willing to add on existing, publicly available, previously printed artwork. It needs to be free since I don't want to hassle with royalties and artists right now. I'm not going to hunt down and list such artwork here. You'll need to find it, link me to the the source vector file(s), and link me to where the artist says it's free for anyone to use. Then outline your order as clearly as possible.

If you want me to whip up an extremely simple chip (something like plain seating/bounty/rebuy chips with just a BG color and text) I'm happy to do so. We won't have time for much back-and-forth though, so it'd need to be simple. I can also change the denoms on my own chips. I can also remove the denoms and do double faces.

Preflop - Ordering

Ordering will be open for about 24 hours only. I will announce here when ordering closes ~24h after OP. This is mainly because I don't want to get in over my head. I'm content if only a few people (or no people) hop in here.

For my chips, give me a list of letter IDs and quantities. Artwork will be in next post. For other chips, send me the artwork and artist links mentioned above and a very clear outline of your order.

The Flop - Payment

Base prices are all at cost, shipped to US, using the estimate Tina gave me for my own quantities.

39mm cards mold - 50c ea
43mm plain mold textured - 60c ea
52mm plain mold smooth (DB) - $3.40 ea
85mm plaque - $3.40 ea

Domestic reshipping (CONUS only please) will be separate and extra. Reshipping estimates are listed in a different GB here.

After ordering closes, we'll have another ~24h period for me to send invoices and for you to pay. I can take PPF&F, Venmo, or Bitcoin. I may be able to give a few hours grace for you to make the payment, but it won't be much. Whoever falls behind stays behind. (We just drop your portion of the order.)

The Turn

I'll take a day or two to finalize the complete order art and details and place the order. Then I think we generally expect to wait less than 60d for the initial shipment to arrive in the US.

The River

I'll pack your chips, invoice you for the reshipping, and send things your way.


You receive your chips and rake in your pot.
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Tiny update - I might as well start invoicing as orders come in instead of waiting until tomorrow. Be on lookout if you order(ed).
All invoices for current orders are sent and most are paid.

Orders are still open for several hours.

I think I told some of you that payment was due today, but I was not thinking quite right. The real due date is 24h after orders close later today, per OP.
Orders are closed. Super excited to have people onboard.

I believe all but one invoice is paid but I won't publicly shame anyone until tomorrow. It's due 24h from now.

Then I'll do the final organization and place the order within a few days.
Nice plaques, really like. Wonder if a few weren't claimed/paid ;), dibs

Thank you! Not too many extras unfortunately. Just enough for a few sample sets.

Could easily see myself ordering more one day though. Or building a more specific set around one of these chips (a Spongebob set or a superhero set or somesuch).
DHL claims delivery will be in a few days. If you ordered, watch your DMs for an address request shortly. This will let me bill you for shipping so I can send things your way ASAP.
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